MP offers a wealth of experience in audits, reviews, and compilations in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
In the course of carrying out an audit, your accounting firm should generate information and develop insights that will result in improved controls and safeguards leading ultimately to greater efficiencies, and clear, concise, and understandable financial reporting that is respected by the financial community. Our professionals combine competence with judgment, maturity, and creativity – all prerequisites for a quality audit.
As part of our services, we may provide a management letter that identifies opportunities to enhance internal controls or improve financial practices. We also look for planning opportunities to help you achieve your goals. We will keep you abreast of new regulatory developments and best practices developed by similar industry clients.
It is our view that an external audit should not interfere with the normal performance of your organization and accounting process. To accomplish this, we staff our engagements with seasoned audit professionals who work in an efficient and courteous manner. This also allows us to maintain a fee schedule that is not heavily influenced by the learning curve of junior staff. We believe this approach creates a less disruptive audit.
The firm is a member of the Private Companies Practice Section of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Members are committed to excellence in the practice of public accounting and are required to undergo peer review every three years. We are proud that we have consistently received the highest possible rating on the review of our practice.